Hit a nerve with mom tonight and, honestly, DIDNT CARE. I just texted a problem being noted with a med she takes and she needs to 'just read about it and to quit denying everything' (her symptoms). Get a call from dad later on. Mom had said I was being 'difficult'. Asks me what's going on. He sighs cuz he knows and will talk to her. Later from mom, I get 4 texts, 1 missed call about how I'm not respectful, sent unprovoked attacks, and I belittle her.
This is how control and abuse looks.
@insomniacviolin Thats terrible, I'm sorry.
@insomniacviolin That's the best thing you can do. I've seen enough of the cycle to know the perils of being caught in it and it's just awful. People can be the worst.
@insomniacviolin Guh, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It's hard when it's family.
@Tail indeed. It was harder to catch because it's mental and emotional from my mom AND sister. Plus they are using my cousin as a puppet to monitor my posts on Facebook. Shady.