@Tail Dad raised rabbits. As a child I had a pet one which I paper trained, walked on a leash and it chewed on a dog bone. Had it for years. Such fun and so cuddly.
@CherNohio there's wild rabbits all over the place here, spent the winter with them. They know who to go to for the good carrots.
@Tail And thank you kind soul 💜
@CherNohio ty🙏
The mooses are in on it, too.
@Tail Oh. My. Word! A bit of a moment there! 😬
@CherNohio Very much so, I was trembling like crazy. Here's more.
@Tail Incredible animals. I’ve been within 50 yards of a moose in the Grand Tetons and about the same from elk and bear in the Appalachian’s. I happened upon them unexpectedly. No desire to be any closer. Beautiful but Unpredictable creatures.
@CherNohio In my experience as long as you don't startle them, they're pretty good at letting you know what their boundaries are. We've got really chill moose around here, like I wake up to them standing on my porch every once in a while. They come and give birth in my back yard every year too.
@Tail Oh wow. See that would be an awesome environment in which to live. Humans and nature coexisting as it’s meant to be. Other than the bear on my camper step, I wasn’t afraid to be in their space. One learns to stay clear, watch for signs of aggression or not and enjoy their being.
@CherNohio It's pretty crazy, it has its ups and downs. The mooses give a pretty distinct huff when they want you to leave and it's usually mamas with babies nearby. I love moose, they're just big and goofy and they're just tryina live.
Also the bunnies playing with the newborns while they're trying to learn to walk, nature is amazing.
@CherNohio Mood. But I'm wishing I had a practical side at all. x_x I'm in the sticks and tbh I can't stand it. You'd think it would be quiet but there's gunshots and chainsaws going all the time.
@CherNohio Some places are definitely better than others. I still have a lot of adjusting to do. Barely having internet definitely doesn't help any, but the bunnies got me through the winter.
There was a cold night, I kidnapped one and kept it inside with me. Only chewed through two speaker cables.
@Tail while I’d miss not having the connection with some folks and if we weren’t so darn dependent on it, I could live out the rest of my days without that convenience and now necessity. Changes haven’t all been for the better. But with it we must go. Tis the current mode of transportation so to speak and necessary for so many.
You’re good people. I like what I’m hearing from you. The world needs more of you in it.
@CherNohio Thank you so much, and likewise. It means alot. I try to leave the place a little better than I found it and that's all I can do.🙏
It's polarizing having to decide to be able to socialize with friends you've made all over the world and being completely isolated. Technology bridges the cap but it creates the gap, too.
@Tail I recognize what you’re saying and sorry you have that experience. 😢 Over time that peaceful environment has changed. Back when it was a thing for me I would have had about 200 acres and could have restricted access otherwise. It’s not that viable today.