Today everything is getting to me. The pain, the struggle, everything. I'm not sure how much more I can take.

Apologies for earlier. The pain is making me a little crazy. I took the last painkiller the hospital gave me a little while ago and I'm not looking forward to the week ahead. I can barely stand.

@Tacitus_Kilgore Have you tried taking extra strength paracetamol and an NSAID at the same time? They enhance each other when taken together. I know what it's like to run out of pain meds when you're still in chronic pain.

I also missed the cause of your back pain, I'm sorry. I hope resting alleviates your pain and you can start to move around some more again. I know it's hard waiting and doing nothing. 😔

@Tacitus_Kilgore ugh. I'm sorry. I hope you can get an MRI or CT at some point. My uncle just had a fusion due to malalignment and sciatica (close to severing the nerve). Both of my parents have had fusions from degenerative discs. My older brother said his back is starting to hurt. It's definitely in both our futures... 😔 Totally sucks.

@SandHillThicket The ER doctor is scheduling a CT for me. It's a waiting game now.

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