Hello my good techie #CosoCommunity folksies!
I'm wondering if one of you technical geniuses can help me?
My PC is 15 years old. The only thing I ever replaced in it was the memory.
For it's age it runs really well, but, there's always a but, I cannot upgrade it from Windows 10 and she to be honest I'm not sure I can hold her together much longer. (Said in Mr. Scott's accent)
Is there anything I will be able to salvage or do I have to go all brand new?
@TrueBloodNet I was thinking of keeping the hard drive for storage and a new hard drive for OS.
@TrueBloodNet @Tacitus_Kilgore I strongly recommend setting up a *nix box with Nextcloud running on it for file backups and personal cloud stuff. If you have an older machine you're retiring, it'll likely do fine as nothing but a file server.
I've got an old NUC sitting in a corner that runs our personal cloud, with 14tb for backups, plus a 14tb mirror drive for the backup of _that_. I got the drives cheap on ebay a while back.
@Tacitus_Kilgore That will work. My approach is this. I have a SSD for my OS, A hard drive where I keep programs and a hard drive where I keep DATA. (I actually have like 3 data hd's cuz I have a ton of old interviews that chew up lots of data) That way, if a program goes nuts, gets infected etc. it won't corrupt my data. Just FYI. At least keeping the OS separate from the rest as you are planning is a good approach.