Democrats spent the first part of this year going through the best available process for deciding whether to replace Biden as their nominee. It's called "the primaries". Only three people bothered to run against him, one of whom explicitly ran on Biden's age. None of them polled higher than 15% and Democratic voters in all 50 states overwhelmingly chose Biden to be the nominee.


Yeah, there's a mechanism for replacing him now, but how is it going to play for the DNC to overturn the express will of Democratic primary voters and choose somebody that none of them voted for and hasn't proven themselves as a viable national candidate through the primary process?

And who would it even be? I'm sure we could all come up with a short list of candidates we'd prefer, but I doubt there's a single candidate who could both satisfy enough Democrats to unify the party *and* get a national campaign up to speed at this late hour (especially without the advantage of incumbency).

I get that Biden is not an ideal candidate. He wasn't an ideal candidate in 2020 either. He remains the only viable choice for preserving what's left of democracy and buy us time to develop better options for ourselves.

@SteveCarll67 And by "buy us time to develop better options" we do _not_ mean "Say we're going to pay attention next time, but don't change our behavior in any way, and then whinge when we're given shitty options to vote for".

If we let these people keep their jobs when they do bad jobs and don't work for us (because they're working for who funded their campaigns and personal wealth), we will _always_ have to choose lesser evils.

Eventually the "lesser" evil will be worse than Trump.

@SteveCarll67 It absolutely sticks in my craw that I'm having to vote for someone I don't think is good enough to be president, because I have to vote _against_ Trump.

We can fix that, if people will just stop voting for the corrupt assholes who feed from the trough of rich corporations and big donors.

If we keep electing corrupt people, we get corruption. It's that simple. They're not going to get in office and fix the thing that put them there.

@SteveCarll67 That's pretty much what they have done since Jimy Carter.

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