
My Top 4 Songs of the Week (2024 Week 22):
1. Dean Blunt, Panda Bear and Vegyn – "Downer". Genre-busting Londoner Blunt collaborates here on a hypnotic track that starts in a wash of processed guitar a la My Bloody Valentine, then adds a trip-hoppy indie beat under Panda Bear's vocal.
2. Robber Robber – "Backup Plan". Burlington, VT postpunk band take krautrock out for a spin on this five-minute blast featuring a motorik beat, melodic bass, and reckless guitar.
3. King Hannah – "Davey Says". How is there still interesting new music coming out of Liverpool? Scouse duo grab a catchy melody, wrap it in Velvet Underground/Mazzy Star sonics, and ride it into a blissed-out sunset.
4. Habibi – "Do You Want Me Now". Brooklyn's Habibi swirl together Middle Eastern melodies,'60s girl-group harmonies and some chunky distorto guitar to whip up this tasty treat for your ears.

Have u checked out the bands Bodega or Gustaf? Think u might dig

@MPCavalier I have and I do! Gustaf's "Starting and Staring" and "Tarkovski" by Bodega are on my best of 2024 playlist for sure.

And robber robber is awesome too. Great stuff my dude.

Boom. I listened to their new album a few times over the past few days. Amazing.

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