My Top 5 Songs of the Week (2024 Week 14):
1. The Black Keys – "On The Game". The Keys hit the sweet spot for the third time with another track from their latest LP Ohio Players. Guest Noel Gallagher helps turn the track into a late-'60s Beatles-into-early-'70s ex-Beatles-flavored anthem.
2. Lunchbox – "I'm Yours, You're Mine". Oakland band serves up a sweet slice of late-'60s/early-'70s AM pop with a surprisingly driving beat, a fuzz bass break in the middle, and a trumpet pitched somewhere between "So You Wanna Be A Rock 'n' Roll Star" and "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?"
3. Ride – "Portland Rocks". Another clinic in creating blissed-out, cough-syrup tempo guitar soundscapes from shoegaze gurus Ride.

4. Conan Gray – "Bourgeoisieses". Meant as a tongue-in-cheek pisstake on the rich (which should really be referred to as the aristocracy rather than the bourgeoisie, which refers to the middle class, but whatever) with a fun synthpop dancefloor vibe.
5. Project Gemini – "After The Dawn". A funky bassline grounds this London project's groove while the guitars, keyboard, and West Asian vocal melodies send it careening off into psychedelic spacetime.

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