@Mandypar doing well! Normal fall allergies but otherwise seem well. How are you? I've tried to come on here a bit more and add social to my work and gaming schedule, but that's often later. I'm glad to be on when you are again! 🤗

@Stace I'm ok thanks. Off to London tomorrow for my monthly MS drug infusion and as it is a 5 week month I'm on empty lol I was sad to read about Steve Brooks. I think we need to have a balanced life (as much as we can). The trick is to find out what that means and maintain it. 🤗

@Mandypar oh no. I'm not on other media lately so an unaware about Steve. Going to look. I'm glad you're getting your "fill 'er up" (local gas station request from days gone). We don't want you on empty! Balance is definitely key. 💯

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