hello #cosogamers. Just checking in to say I fell into a Fallout 76 Wastelanders hole and LOVE THIS GAME. I absolutely hated it before this update and didn't play past the free test run. The new update is more like Fallout 4, but with the benefit of no settlers at your camp (unless you want one) and you can move your camp wherever you want. I know some of you play FO4 like Minecraft and I do the same....but I really am enjoying this new update more. If you haven't tried. #cosogaming
As a HUGE F3/F:NV fan, the part of F4 which eventually got so irritating I stopped playing it was the "building"/Minecraft-y facets of it...
Don't misunderstand: I *wanted* to love it. I really did. Just...if I'm going to build a house, I've got enough RL housework to last me forever, so...not looking for that in a game.
Would you still recommend F76*?
@netspionage yes! you don't have to build anything. The whole camp concept is to give you a place to sleep, cook, build your weapons. it's a mobile workshop(s) and storage. But you don't have to build it up. You can also make vending machines and leave your camp to make money while you run around....and you can fast travel back to dump loot and build up. it is really cool. I am a chicken, so I move my entire camp when I'm scared and build up with turrets to hide and fight if I need to :)
Well, I'm still neck-deep in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, though will check it out once done.
I have been camping in lovely West Virginia and spend more time building than playing so if you game and want to play vacation, there are nice views to enjoy....in the game, I mean :)