Novice #cooks get too anxious about making #soup. Chill, Winston.
Soup is about clearing out the fridge or freezer. If you know the process & you have the basics, you can always make a great soup.
Mirepoix is the onion/celery/carrot base — & you can chop extra to freeze for future soup-making simplicity.
Today, I used onions, carrots, leeks, garlic, a can each of diced tomatoes & white beans, pesto, a cheese rind, & stock for this.
@Snarkysteff early in the pandemic I could not live without leeks. They elevate every dish
@Annothername leeks are great because they’ll be usable even three weeks later. But our leeks are adorable compared to the 3-foot long ones I would buy in Bulgaria when I stayed there! Best leeks ever.
@Snarkysteff lol wow now that's a leek! I freeze them raw too to always have some on hand
Tell me about Bulgaria! My husband's coworker says the feta is DEFINITELY better than what we're used to
@Annothername not kidding about the Greeks — it’s right next door. Flights would be as little as $15 or so on Ryan Air, but they’d pay a lot to check a bag. Probably buy feta for all the family to make it worthwhile.
Great food culture in Bulgaria tho. And beautiful mountains with neat monasteries.