Are there any good #journalists or #news sites I should be following on here?
@Xaxhaying Not looking for link-sharing accounts. Looking for actual news organizations and journalists for credible stuff. Thanks anyhow.
@Snarkysteff Some journalists have migrated to create accounts here, but aren't active as of yet like @atrupar
@Xaxhaying @atrupar Yeah, I see that! I am finding some -- @adaparkhomenko is political but biased, still good tho, ditto for @Popehat, @joyannreid, etc., and @joshtpm, so on. Hopefully more come.
@Snarkysteff I heard Substack has a good journalists on there.
@Snarkysteff am looking for same
@Snarkysteff ooo, same!
@Snarkysteff raw story is here too
@Snarkysteff @TheNewsOwl