
I have a view of the surrounding hills over the water, and the odd fireworks. But the moon over the water is beautiful tonight, with light clouds.

@KWilsonMG Since you mention Chris Gailus and Canucks, we may be in the same region — I’m housesitting outside Duncan on Vancouver Island, and that’s the view here. Fun. But I’m a Victoria person in normal times.

@Snarkysteff we are indeed in the same region. Small world! How long have you been on here?

@KWilsonMG I signed up in April when the Twitter sale was announced but clung to the hope that the sale wouldn’t go through. Decided to return this week. Alas! But I kinda like this place more the more I use it. You’re new though?

@Snarkysteff I am new — just created an account on CounterSocial this evening. Reminds me a lot of the early days of Twitter, UI wise. I always preferred that earlier UI…

I also was hoping that the sale wouldn’t go through as well, it’s disappointing that it did. I also hoped he wouldn’t wreck it, but it appears he might well be doing that now. Sigh.

@KWilsonMG Yeah — I have a pretty great following over there with people like Margaret Atwood and Martha Stewart and such, so cutting and running isn’t attractive! But it’s such a negative place now and I don’t think it’s good for mental health these days. I’ll keep checking Twitter but I want to invest time here and get a different vibe going over here. I’m tired of feeling exhausted and angry all the time, and I don’t think that’ll be changing on Twitter for a while. Alas!

@Snarkysteff that is very cool that they follow you! I’d love to know how that came about. Random chance? Legacy follow? And same here re investing some time etc.

@KWilsonMG oh, I’ve been around since 2007. Back when Joan Ghomeshi got fired from CBC, I wrote a blog post that changed the conversation on him within the first day and got 400,000 visits to my blog and people like Atwood were RTing me and shit. But I’ve been in good with lots of editors and writers for years. Don’t have a big following, but it’s a good one. :) I tend to be pretty unapologetic about opinions online. Some folks like it.

@Snarkysteff oh wow! That’s quite the story/turn of events. Very cool! It’s also impressive that your site stayed up under such a load in such a short period of time.

@KWilsonMG bahahaha. It didn’t. It broke. But I somehow made it through. Had a lot of tech friends who helped with troubleshooting on Wordpress. :)

@Snarkysteff in 2007, I imagine not much would’ve. Was it shared hosting? Makes me wonder what the total load was in terms of resources consumed. I imagine sites today with a dedicated host/server & perhaps behind cloudflare would fair better…too bad this tech wasn’t really around as much then!

@KWilsonMG No, no, that was 2014. But I have no idea on all that. I meant I’ve been doing Twitter since 2007. :)

@MCGIRLNEXTDOOR No! Vancouver Island, Canada. Thanks. :) Outside a town called Duncan.

@Snarkysteff it’s lovely and thanks for the information. If I ever find my way to Vancouver Island which is possible, I’ll be in search of that view.

@MCGIRLNEXTDOOR That view is all over Vancouver Island, if not better. Netflix has a new nature doc series called Island of the Sea Wolves shot on this island, couple hours north of me. It’s a stunning series, if you want to see more. This is this area in daylight:

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