Turns out, both of them are right about who did / is doing a worse job with the economy!
#smershtv - double hatin'
Capping rents & rent control lead to higher rental costs, Joe
First question goes to two men who don't do their own grocery shopping!
It's on!
Who will go the distance?
Who remembers where they are?
Who has more drugs in their system!?
Who will get flustered first??
Grab your bingo cards!
Grab your water!
Gird your loins!
#potusdebates2024 - who will yell the loudest tonight?!
#PoLiTiCs - why do we still only have two major parties!?
#smershtv - brought to you by the most blocked CoSonaut!
#lemonparty - 😏
A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.