Musk fired the ethics team at Twitter apparently, really glad I setup a counter social.
Bill Palmer of Palmer Report is going off on how there needs to be a viable alternative before we leave. I don't think he gets that there isn't going to be one before we have to leave.
Like, we're not gonna get a choice here.
@Smellbringer and it’s our job to make whatever we have to work with, viable.
@Smellbringer the writing on the wall is in ALL CAPS at this point
@peeppeepcircus And in blood too, honestly I'm sorta spreading my shot here. Got a co-host, I'd get a mastodon if I understood how to work it, and I've always had a Tumblr.
@Smellbringer I'm wondering if there will be a viable alternative before Twitter has to shut down from being broke. (viable being stable. I love CS but requires patience with its stability for awhile)
They also fired the Human Rights Team and features are being taken away. in real time