1-I know some of you were there, so this recent question I was asked is for you and everyone who loves the music!

RE: What was it like playing at CBGB?

First, I want to say that my band was excited to be the first Chicago Punk act to play CBGB in April of 1977, and once again in December that year.

Image: Stephen M.H. Braitman


Just bloody marvelous! We never made it to the East Coast so of course I never played there. I'm jelly my friend.

Ever play Madame Wong's in Los Angeles? That was our West Coast equivalent. Less Avant-gardy or punk though. Lots of metal and power-pop, but we did have Boingo, X, The Motels, Blasters, and later Lone Justice. Let the Gund n Roses crowd take the Troubador.

If Esther Wong took a liking to you she'd book you again and again even if you didn't draw in a crowd.


@Animeraider East coast dates were great. We never played Madame Wong's but we headlined the Whisky 2/78 and did some other dates in CA later. As always, to your music and dreams!!!!

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