It was Melania's birthday and wasn't able to spend time with her to celebrate. I'm thinking she got just what she wanted for her birthday, Trump's absence?

Dear Supreme Court- DO NOT FORGET. 2 ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of 3 branches: legislative, executive & judicial. 2 ensure the government is effective & citizens' rights R protected, each branch has its own powers & responsibilities, including working with the other branches. WE HAVE OUR SYSTEM IN CHECK. ALLOW THE COURTS TO FUNCTION AS THEY R SUPPOSE 2! WE DON'T NEED YOUR POLITICAL DECISIONS 2 CHANGE WHAT WE HAVE!

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land, yet, they are so worried about tomorrow. Matthew 6:34 NLT. “So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. I believe the only reason they won't make an easy decision ( is not immune) is because their hands are dirty?

So if Presidents can murder and/or commit any crime. I guess can take control and do what ever the hell he wants even before the election (remove Supreme Court Justices, former presidents, etc..)? I guess honesty and laws just don't matter anymore?

Why does it seem like bullies have 9 lives?

Why doesn't Rep. Mike Johnson put up a vote to expel ?

If lands in jail will he be hosed down and cavity searched?

Why is there microphones in the court house for Donald to speak before and after the trial???

This article was written 4 yrs. ago but it's worth reading. Trump has already been putting his dictatorship in place.

We need more reporting. Most of what's going on isn't being covered. If you haven't watched her show, you should.

'Ivana rolling in her grave': Trump golf course at epicenter of quake spurs weird theories

Lynne's note *** MTG stateed that the earth quake in NY was A message from G-d to NY But it was centered at Trumps golf course so who was the message for MTG?

Trump's catch and kill scheme.Falsifying 34 business records in the 1st degree. May have a secret daughter.

I'm wondering if Judge Aileen Cannon is being paid off by Trump? She is making wack-a-do decisions and two strikes against her.

What type of books do you prefer to read?

I have not heard any repute from Trump against Judge Aileen Cannon... who should be removed.

If Trump is the chosen one why can't he control himself from:
Colossians 3:8 ESV
But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

(Wrath- deeply resentful
Malice- desire to inflict injury, harm or suffering on another
Slander- a malicious false and defamatory statement
Obscene talk- abominable, disgusting, repulsive)

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