I can't be the only person who cried tears of relief at that committee hearing, right?

Any other or writers around these here parts? Looking to rebuild some of my community...

Did manage to get up and write some crummy words today but don't know if I'll get much more writing done on break.

Opened a library book, someone's library cards fell out? That's a new one.

I may be an old crone but!

What's the point of filming an expensive, highly choreographed fight scene if the whole scene is so dark I CANNOT SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING, WILLOW??

Just crying over an internet-famous dog. Rest well, Noodles.

Starting Wednesday on Netflix, let's see how this goes.

Ah, rejection. Even after all these years, it still sucks. But c'est la vie--and onward we go!

Nothing makes you feel old like helping your Kid work on his college applications.

Getting the house decorated, figuring out new social media (where are all my peoples?), petting the puppers...That's Sunday for you!

Well, giving CounterSocial a try. We'll see how this goes?

I'm Sarah M. Anderson, aka Sally Sultzman, dog mom of Jack Jack the Exuberant Beagle and Gator the Grouchy Old Fart.

Sarah M. Anderson

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.