@altucker @LnzyHou There is a world of difference between little "c" conservative and big "C" Conservative.
There used to be more overlap in the Dems and Pubs, with liberal Pubs and conservative Dems. The separation was more on fiscal policy before.
Everything has gotten polarized though. And rational Pubs have largely been purged by the cultists.
Dems are ALL OVER THE PLACE, only unified temporarily because the alternative demands it.
@LnzyHou Biden surprised me in a good way on some things. On others he didn't surprise me in a bad way.
@LnzyHou I used to be little "c" conservative moderate independent, trending left. I was radicalized by 2016 though.
I was hugely disappointed Elizabeth Warren didn't win the nomination for 2020. She had actual plans, that made sense and were quite pragmatic and weren't simple slogans, where everyone else had "concepts of plans".
PLEASE let the Jets Aaron Rodgers continue on his tour of futility against my Texans tonight.
It is just a game, but I experience schadenfreude for every bit of misery Rodgers experiences. And I would really hate to see him turn it around against my team.
@Agatha She was wrong about the size of the basket, that's all.
Is North Carolina a crime ridden hellscape?
"Where does he get his numbers?"
Election as the trolley problem.
You are morally obligated to reduce harm. He lays it out, specifically for the Gaza situation.
@sfleetucker @grrlscientist Well played
Am I the only one frustrated with the campaign apologizing for Biden's justified remarks after that New American Bund Rally?
I have no patience for pearl clutching from the f*ck your feelings crowd.
@elbutterfield Too low.
I want to see 75%. Still a lot of people out there needing reprogramming.
Hell, in 2015 I would have bet no more than 10% were in that bucket of deplorables. Sadly I was wrong.
TBF, I know conservatives who voted for him with the rationalization that "Republicans in Congress don't like him either. They will keep him under control." We saw how that turned out as all who didn't kiss the ring were excommunicated.
Archive your account if you want, but stop indirectly supporting Musk with your presence.
You'll be glad you did.
I stayed for a long time as a lurker but finally cut the cord. Too many changes to their T&A that make it less secure as well.
@JV3MJD She can get bent. Her point is trying to bring rationality to the irrational. Her point is still trying to get Republican victory at all cost, including supporting unfit candidates.
Positively gutless.
Who cares what she thinks unless she is willing to abandon the dumpster fire that is the GOP today.
Support Kamala or take a seat.
@rpardee I think government entities still maintain accounts there. Not sure why, just slow on the uptake? Not sure where else to go?
@Pat_Walrond @Opusworks Dammit
@Lulz4l1f3 Not holding that against Canada.
Why "Ted"? Why "Nikki"? Shouldn't the fact you need to Anglicize your ethnic name to be accepted be a red flag you are in the wrong party?
@Gladari @nevikjames Can't be "not my fault" Aaron!
@Gladari @nevikjames Time to scapegoat more coaches or players!!!
@MrsHowelsEyebrows @OldDeckHand He got what he wanted too.
He knew people who don't follow politics would remember the name on the check and forget the rest.
@Alfred Then take updated precautions for five more days, like wearing a mask, hand washing, isolation from at-risk people.
So, it is treated like other respiratory viruses basically. But they add provisions for all to be more careful after returning.