Listened to a multi-part podcast on Behind the Bastards on Jeffrey Epstein. Yeah, I thought I knew most of it, but I didn't. Noted were the people around him, enabling him, who turn u0 later.
Defending him along the way, keeping him free? Alan Derschowitz and Ken Starr, the same Starr who wasted years being a crusader against Clinton. The same who served as President of Baylor University, then was forced out because of cover ups of sexual violence. Hypocrisy? Yep
Derschowitz you know as staunch Trump defender as well.
Then there is the prosecutor and police in Epstein's pocket who let him get away with it for so long with weak penalties. That guy served as Trump's Secretary of Labor.
GOP truly projects, with every accusation a confession. They justify all their draconian positions to "protect the children". Yet, people guilty of actually victimizing children show up at every turn, even rewarded for protecting actual predators.