100% this -
The rule never fails. No matter how "moderate", or "classic GOP" these corrupt shitheels claim to be, they all believe the same BS gospel, that Republicans should never be held accountable for crimes, even the highest and most egregious against the country and its people.


In the current political climate, a vote for ANY Republican is a vote for Trump.

There is not such thing as a moderate Republican. They're all enablers.

Watch how fast Larry Hogan comes around now that he will need some Trumper support.


@CanisVeritum @Bix Especially local elections. ESPECIALLY local.

Too many rationalize voting "independent" because of this or that local person they like. But those people enabled the gerrymandering that locks in power at the national level. Those people failed to act when they could to police their own party.

Here's a counter idea: Penalties should be higher for those holding office and thresholds of evidence should be lower. It is too easy to hide wrongdoing with power.

@CanisVeritum @Bix And the pardon power should absolutely be void when self-serving, given out to people helping hide your own criming.

In hindsight, Gerald Ford's pardon of Nixon set the stage for the downward slide of the GOP at large.

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