Serious question:

With all the bullpucky in our current tech product news cycles, what's a device or service you would *actually* like to see developed, that isn't currently being promoted or getting the funding it deserves?

@MLClark: It'd be neat to have an consumer-end AI that won't allow posts online that are factually inaccurate, and by that I mean that are demonstrably, independently verifiably factually inaccurate. it's that or it attaches warnings to posts made that are inaccurate.

That's totally fantasy, of course, but a guy can dream. An upshot of it would be that loads of conspiracy theorists would immediately have heart attacks.


@thedisasterautist @MLClark I thought they actually had that on old Twitter?

Don't know if it was AI or just crowd-sourced. But they once flagged explanatory warnings on such content.

@S_r_stone @MLClark: They didn’t have it so much as they had community notes, though at one point very late in the game and not long before the takeover they had something that would give you a heads up if you posted a link to an article that had been flagged more than some number of times by users as false.

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