@Alfred What is the intersection between flat-earthers, anti-vax people, and moon landing deniers?
@POOetryma @Alfred Yeah, I am still triggered when the tell ME to do MY research or laugh off every refutal as "That's what you've been told to believe."
Told, and demonstrated in experiments, etc. So there's that.
Neil de Grasse Tyson put it best on moon landing deniers. It would be SO hard to fake it and a conspiracy of so many people, all without leaks, it would be easier and cheaper just to go to the moon.
@S_r_stone I just point out that NASA's budget is public record. One can go to the National Archives and request the relevant documents and see what NASA spent and how. While they may wish to believe the moon landing was faked, it would be even crazier to imagine the federal government spending $2 billion or so to perpetrate a massive hoax by simply filming a movie. What's the point when that kind of money will actually get us to the moon? Alas, as you point out, these nutjobs won't listen.