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Finally got a bit of rain in central FL tonight. It's been a dry spell. Irrigation system = off.

Of the 282 protesters arrested at Columbia University and City College, 134 of them were not affiliated with either school.


I saw this link on today's Phillies baseball broadcast. So I followed it. Wow. I did new construction at EB Groton back in the Los Angeles class debut days. Were I a young man, I'd be so in for this. Click and be in awe.

As a general comment on the daily news cycle, it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I can not imagine where we'll be in September and October. 🤯

In Florida, a near total six week abortion ban went into effect today. Please pass this around, regardless of where you live: 👇

If you or a loved one is in need of critical support, please call the National Abortion Hotline, 1-800-772-9100

The quickening is happening.

I'm starting to understand why it took three + years.

It seems there are those who are playing the long game when pikers like me wanted immediate gratification.

The long gamers might be right.

Wow. It's been a week. The current week is going to be even more off the rails.

G'nite, peeps. Rest up and re-charge. We are going to be whiplashed like a rollercoaster in the coming few days. Pull the bar down, and keep your hands inside the car.

@Agatha Aw. Sorry. My 14YO doxie is the least judgmental entity in my life. It's going to be incredibly hard to let go.

I am very conflicted about Mike Johnson's leadership over the past few days. Not sure I can hate on the guy anymore. He navigated MTG shark infested waters and made it to bipartisan shores. Not sure how he pulled that off, but dayum. However and whyever, respect. I offer it when earned.

It was one year ago today that I hit my first hole-in-one. This afternoon, I had my most schizophrenic round of golf maybe in forever: 39 front, 51 back. I swear two different guys were playing.

The grifter keeps on grifting the marks, both rich and poor.

TFG continues to use campaign cash for business expenses & legal fees. Also, he's now hitting up any GOP candidates using his likeness or endorsement for 5% of their own campaign contributions. (USA Today via Yahoo)

Stephanie. Say her name. Stephanie Clifford.


Good morning, CoSo! Happy Trnmp Election Interference Trial day to all who celebrate! 🎉

Someone explain it to me like I'm 5. How can fail to comply with a lawful US Senate subpoena for testimony & not be held in contempt? I don't care how many billion$ he has. I don't care how many justices he has in the bag.

Trnmp & the GOP continue to be in violation of the Logan Act. They've never been more overt that there's a shadow government calling the shots in the US and globally. There's no scenario in which this ends well.

In the US, we have a mob boss who is running a shadow government. He is dictating both domestic and foreign policy.

Process that. Do something about it on 11/5/2024.

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