I'm seeing Lysol commercials? I still can't find any of their products. It's like a tease.😑
@CherNohio Oh good! Glad a friend was lucky to find some. 💜
@SPFX This is how I feel about the delicious insufferable Reese’s peanut butter cup commercials... became allergic to peanuts late in life... to have loved and loss 🤣🤣🤣
@Knitpurrl Oh man, that blows. Do any of the other nut butters give you a reaction?
I can't drink most wines since it'll give me a migraine so I basically don't even bother. I do miss a nice red.
@SPFX I’m good with all tree nuts, I use sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter. Peanuts are in the bean family, and I actually have trouble with beans, but I can handle lentils 😊 I know about the migraines... that’s my reaction to peanuts.
@Knitpurrl Glad you have an alternative. I'm sorry peanuts give you migraine reaction. I feel for you.
@SPFX I know! We lucked out last week finding one can of disinfectant spray AND a three pack of wipes 💜