I just want to give a shout out to most of you weed smoking, tree hugging, anti-war protesting, women's rights hippies from the 60s. You were right about everything and we are witnessing this in real time. High five guys.
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN I have to say that I like that a lot more than "die already, Boomers."
That young woman who kept calling me dear the other day doesn't realize I have 3 master's degrees, an ABD PhD (incomplete because of sexual harassment) and can run circles around her any day of the week. Not all people over 50 are conservative dunderheaded retired thinkers. This Boomer is full of fire (and peace & love).
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN They've given you a number and taken away your name
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN we tried to warn, few listened
@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN It's good that folks realize not all boomers are yuppies. 👍 🌷