@CrankyGrandma Why? Her new book not selling?
@JV3MJD He always has.
@Bix I think they're go with the nobody remembers how much baby oil is in the house so everyone grabs baby oil when they're out.
@misterfive I love those.
@Opusworks A game you shouldn't play as an adult.
@singlemaltgirl Cereal for the win.
@IronButterfly This so much.
@Bix Or we just haven't evolved enough to Darwin out that toe.
@YouInMyEye looking more and more like money laundering.
@TrueBloodNet And I was complaining about a 3 year old red bud that decided it didn't want to live anymore.
@Sr0bi Exactly.
@QueenOfEverything It was a Libby App borrow.
@Horrrflmlvr Good! They yelled fire and pointed to Springfield.
@mikeflstfi Not until my next beer tour.
@Sr0bi The Walmart workers at my local store thought their take home pay would double. Under TFG tax scam.
Pregnancy related crimes? Show more
@GNious that is one tired happy family.
@PussyFootingAround What else does he have to talk about? He had a full 4 years being president he could talk about oops pandemic no toilet paper.
@CherNohio Well done!
Weird Navy Brat
Time to elect more Democrats Tennessee