
If Twitter and Facebook are actually deleting evidence that the DoJ is going to want to see (as opposed to just removing it from public view) that is going to go very badly for both companies and whichever employees made the decision to do so. See 18 US Code 1519, the fines will be massive and prison time can reach up to 20yrs as BigBubba's roomhate.

@elisa Almost certainly. But that's a DoJ decision.

@Render Oh good, I'm sure Sessions will get right onto that. Actually – it would be Rosenstein. Can we trust him?

@Render Damn. Nobody seems to know. I have heard good things via obscure NPR podcasts, etc. What does J think?

@elisa That you would have to ask J yourself. Last time I tried to figure out what he thinks I was dizzy for a week.

@Render @elisa and you have to re-read the thread over and over .pick out certain pieces to figure it out. Makes you really think!

@Jackal @Render Oh as in, the "clues" he drops? Yes, that is fun yet challenging. I swear I flagged a few things though; was worth it.

@elisa No, he really is faster. I saw that when I jacked the camera on his new laptop.


@Render Do you think it will be enforced? Look at what people are getting away with right now. Flat-out treason. In public. Wha?

@citru5 Fingers crossed. But there has been a problem with selective law enforcement for about nine years now.

@Render I hope they get in trouble for this, and not a blink or slap of the hand.

@Render Also, didn't even stop to consider the removing it from public's view thing.

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