
Two NYC synagogues evacuated over bomb threats

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Updating this... Three synagogues and a museum/subway stop. No phone calls, all threats via e-mail.


Police investigating multiple bomb threats against New York City synagogues. Here's what we know.

Updating this again (sigh)...

14 Manhattan synagogues and Jewish centers, five in Queens and another two in Brooklyn โ€” with two more upstate temples and one on Long Island.

And the non-profit New York Landmarks Conservancy. Not sure if NYLC is the museum mentioned or a different location (it's not a museum). Also not entirely sure why NYLC was threatened at all.

All threats were by e-mail.

The is a joint FBI/NYPD investigation ongoing.


Between Dec 8th, 2023 and mid-January, 2024 there were 1009 bomb threats to US synagogues nationwide.

That too is an ongoing FBI investigation. And almost certainly by the same culprits.


She isn't smart enough to know how to make an anonymous phone call.

Now find the feck who is responsible and any accessory to the call, and lock their asses up.

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