Now ask yourself how is it that the last six on that last can afford to give money to US schools?

And then ask how much US tax dollars are being given to those same nations.

Yesterday the PFLP released a statement in support of the Jew hating protestors on US college campus's.

PFLP has an unbroken 57yr record of murdering Jews all over the world just because they're Jewish.

The PFLP were the 3rd largest terrorist group involved in Oct 7th.

"...unarmed Palestinian people in Gaza Strip..."

Who is firing the rockets into Israel? Because those are still coming.

"Western colonial countries"

Are there any colonies left in the world?

"lovers of peace"

They don't want peace. They want dead Jews.

"...our students in American universities..."

There you go. SJP, PYM, and all of the other pro-Palestinian groups are terrorists.


Not to outdone by their allies Hamas has now joined PFLP in releasing a statement to the Columbia protestors thanking them for their support.

[ PIJ and DFLP may not be available for comment, since most of their leadership is now dead or in an IDF prison. ]

The endorsements keep coming in.

Holocaust denier, ex KGB agent, and Munich Olympics terror attack funder Mahmud Abbas.


@Render wow

And no doubt that'll just validate they "protestors" cause well......eejits

@Render wow. the direct line from thesse protesters to hamas is crystal clear.

@Render said it before- they achieved now what ISIS dreamed of achieving

@Armchaircouch @Render
Makes you want to bitchslap those kids and tell them to wake the fuck up.

@Faay It´s why I´ve worked with some kids on a presentationfor school yd- not letting others chime in or leave tthem to discuss stuff o their own-just with sm as their´teacher´. deradicalisation is difficuklt but one must try if given the chance-reaching them in a way that won´t cause them to defy everything coming out of my moth. Small and perhaps futile efforts-using m rather unusal position. but at least something. @Armchaircouch @Render nope never an expected act for you and yours😃 -

those are good life skills and great if they work unfortunately, I think a lot of these people causing trouble at the schools actually just hate Jewish people, there’s nothing noble about wanting Jews to die and one can’t talk them out of it, usually. and it’s why they’re apparently paroting terrorists and terrorists are openly supporting them, too. :/ It’s pretty revolting that it’s being allowed. @csforyou

//@Faay @Render

@Armchaircouch no doubt they do.

But I´ve always had difficulties understanding all that is allowed due to the 1st Amendment .
Growing up with the Horrors of the Holocaust as part of the family history in a country that forbids certain kinds of politicall expression by law- does that to you.

- but sitting idly by , when I get the chance to try just doesn´t sit well . There are others who´ve worked for years on deradicalisation way better qualified-

// @Render

Folks patient and intelligent enough to attempt to deradicalize I think are amazing. I admire them a lot, and in the off chance it actually works?!, I consider them heroes.

I cannot do it, but I definitely admire those who do, @csforyou

@Armchaircouch some of those I´ve encountred were former members of far right groups Or Christian Identety- their stories and path is what gives me hope.Which is also making it clear that those who have had access and insight are better suited to approach radicalised youth. But it´s not only emotionally challenging it can in fact put people in real danger-so this work needs determination, and a special kind of courage plus total control over your own emotions. It´s a slow process .

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