Who was the better dual sport athlete, Bo Jackson or Deion Sanders?

@Render Bo Jackson, and it's not close. Bo was bigger, stronger and faster all around.

@Render Deion ran the 40 in 4.27, Bo ran it in 4.13. Bo was faster, and could hit a baseball harder too. Deion was a human hype machine, Bo didn't need to talk, he just did it.



"Officially", at the Combine, and before electronic timing.

Ever see Jerry Rice's "official" 40 time? (you'll laugh)

Understand that in that Bo-facepalms-Deion video, Deion came from the far side of the field, overcame the angle, and caught Bo...before Bo stiff armed Deion into the ground.

That's why I didn't mention 40 times.

Deion could run his mouth because he could back it up. Except that he couldn't tackle Bo Jackson or Brandon Jacobs.


@Render I'm a Seahawks fan, so I saw Bo quite a bit, and other than flat running over Bosworth, he beat us around the end many times. Deion didn't. Let's put it this way - if my untalented self had to tackle either one of them (and I played college rugby), I'd pick Deion every time. Let me see if I can find the story of the old-timer who heard his bat hit the ball from Landsdowne Avenue.


Deion's teams were 2-0 vs the Seahawks. He had 2 interceptions, one returned for a touchdown.


@Render C'mon, beating the Seahawks, especially in that era, is no claim to greatness it just meant it was Sunday again in the PNW. 🤣

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