There is actually a really simple solution to almost all of the issues surrounding Israel.

Stop trying to kill Jews and other Israeli citizens simply because they exist.

That's it, that's the solution.

Sounds easy doesn't it? It's not rocket science after all.

*taps sign*

Never Again is not a polite request. It's a statement of intent.

@Render *sighs

Why can’t the Saudis provide a place for Palestinians? Why won’t they? Do you know?

They're just Arab pawns. No Arab country will take them. And those that have just keep them in camps. They're used to start shit with Israel and die. @Museek @Render

@Bemet_Or @Museek

Kicked out of Jordan for assassinating one king and then trying to assassinate his son the next king.

Kicked out of Lebanon for starting a civil war that wrecked the country while trying to attack Israel.

Kicked out of Kuwait for supporting Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

@Render @Bemet_Or

So is there anyone in the region they get along with?

Is this because of Hamas? Or is this also partly due to their beliefs? Do you think they’d ever find peace?


@Museek All of that was prior to Hamas.

From 1953 to 1989 the Soviet Union provided backing, propaganda, and weapons to the Palestinian terror groups.

After Communism disintegrated the mostly secular Palestinian terror groups morphed into or were replaced by hardcore Islamic fundamentalists (that's Hamas among others).


@Render @Museek @Bemet_Or
I visited Khabarovsk in the Soviet Union in 1990, just before the collapse, to visit a ham radio friend. one thing he told me was there was a town also called Khabarovsk about 5 miles away that wasn't on the map and that's where all the Jews lived. he said there were towns like that all over Russia not on any map, and in the Soviet times the government told you where you could live and what your job would be

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