
Any tips for making pillow soft dinner rolls? Every time I try they wind up with too thick and chewy crust, not fluffy or moist enough.

I want them to be almost as soft as a donut.


Use potatoes. You can save the cooking water if you boil some, or boil a potato to the point of being overdone (russet type) and mash it into the bread dough. Or use some instant potato flakes.

This recipe is quite sweet, I use 1/2 the sugar. Shape into rolls rather than loaf. Take 1 egg white and whisk so that it is very thin & runny. Brush over the rolls. Set into oven to rise with a pan of boiling water underneath. Replace the water once or twice with freshly boiled water. Take the pan of water out before baking, after the rolls have risen. After you take the rolls out of the oven immdediately brush with butter to keep the top crust soft. This recipe keeps well.

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