@RavenCutrereULC Memes were created by Richard Dawkins. Last I checked he is Leftist.

@Tacitus_Kilgore Dawkins coined the *term* but since he was referring (among other things) to stone age cave paintings I think it's safe to assume he didn't invent them.


@Tacitus_Kilgore @RavenCutrereULC I suppose, in his way, he was leftist.

I found him grating, personally. Not because of the atheism. I'd likely be one myself if I weren't Satan.

@Tacitus_Kilgore @RavenCutrereULC I'm quite fond of his memetics. I just did not like his attitude toward others.

@AskTheDevil I found him rather condescending in his interactions with those who believe differently to him, which made him difficult to listen to as a believer in God. Atheism is fine and all, but some folk treat those who believe as somehow inferior. He has been one of those people.

@Tacitus_Kilgore @RavenCutrereULC

@Tacitus_Kilgore @RavenCutrereULC I like to think of it this way. His purpose wasn't being friendly, or accepting or tolerant. His contribution that made him valuable took other forms.

@RavenCutrereULC Oooh. Someone using “Reich wing.” Love to see it.

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