A couple more intriguing images of the river ice in Edmonton on December 1st (looking down from a bridge):

@RandallTT Love these, When I first looked at the first one, hot volcanic lava came to mind.

@Tacitus_Kilgore I can't remember but it looks like it could have been. If there was a patch of open water it could have been steam rising from it on a really cold day.

@RandallTT I hope this doesn't annoy you, but now I see (in the first one) an aerial view looking down on a Bermuda beach! lol! Then I look more closely and it's still fun to visually explore as the ice/water shapes.

@CJLavoie Annoy me? Not in the slightest! πŸ˜„ A tropical white sand beach is exactly what I've thought it looked like.

@RandallTT I was in Edmonton in November ince. The food was amazing, but the ground was a sheet of ice.

@misslovelymess Yes, that ice! I have lived here all my life and the icy ground is the thing I like least!

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