One of my all time favorite cat photos (taken on this date 11 years ago):


These are the most beautiful Fall photos I've seen... the cat is my favorite... but they are all the essence of Autumn.

I give it my best shot with my iPhone14, but I really want to learn how to take photos like these.

@QueenOfEverything Thanks! These were taken with my Nikon DSLR but very fine photos can be captured with phone cameras these days. If I have a secret to my photos it is to take lots of them, consider the composition when taking them and then finishing off with software to rotate and crop the image, and adjusting the contrast and saturation.


Great advice... I need to get a mini tripod for my iPhone14 pro max bc I certainly don't hold it steady during the night shots with all my animal friends in the dark.

I took photography course in college- they loaned us all cameras- my favorite was a Yashica twin lens reflex (i'm REALLY OLD) and I got the best portraits with that camera. Loved working in the darkroom. I'm just trying to learn editing programs online. It's an amazing world of options now!

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