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Monday afternoon: Your time to shine! Embrace challenges, trust in your abilities, and focus on progress, not perfection. Surround yourself with positivity. Remember, each day is a fresh start. Believe in yourself, and others will too. You've got this!

Open your mind to people: We've been on this carousel, spinning in a cycle of fear and misunderstanding. Not so long ago, it was the misplaced dread of black men sharing our bathrooms. Then, the baton of bigotry was passed onto gay people, sparking unjust fears about shared locker rooms. Today, it's our trans brothers and sisters and siblings bearing the brunt of these recycled anxieties. Every individual, deserves respect, dignity, and the right to live freely.

Dare to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace failure. In our world, where success is often glorified, and failure stigmatized, this may sound counterintuitive. Yet, if we shift our perspective just a bit, the landscape changes. Traditional thinking may view mistakes as negative, as pitfalls to be avoided, but in reality, they can be transformative in our journey of growth and self-discovery.

Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to pursue your dreams and learn a new skill; and if you suck at something today and work hard at it, you will be better at it tomorrow.
Give thanks for the skills you have today and for the strength and courage you have within you to pursue your dreams at any age. Be grateful for every opportunity, every lesson, and every success.

Let’s embrace this new week with an open heart and a clear mind, filled with gratitude for the unexplored opportunities that lie ahead. Here's to learning, growing, and finding joy in every moment. Let's make this a week to remember! What are you most looking forward to this week?

On this Friday, we express gratitude for the blessings around us. We honor the workweek's end, celebrating our resilience and growth. As we welcome Shabbat and the weekend, let our hearts fill with joy. We appreciate our community, our health, and love in our lives. As we rest and reflect, may we carry these blessings into the days ahead. Amen.

I’m playing around on threads. Come and check it out Threads is Meta’s answer to twitter

Musk replied “Yup,” to a series of posts from Twitter user
@fentasyl, which argued, “democracy is probably unworkable long term without limiting suffrage to parents.” - Elon Musk supports eliminating voting rights for people without children

These folks are in a cult -
MAGA Mom Confesses The One Thing That Disqualifies Trump From Office via @YouTube

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes tells U.S. Supreme Court to shove it
Opinion: Mayes promises to enforce Arizona's public accommodation law to protect the LGBTQ community in spite of the court's ruling in a Colorado case.

It’s a new week full of promise, and potential. Embrace this week with open arms, be grateful for life and for every opportunity to grow. May peace, joy, & love accompany you in every step. Let's remember that gratitude not only makes our present richer, but it also paves the way for a more enriching future.

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Maybe I just need to give it another shot. Or maybe, I'm just a Trekkie at heart. Speaking of which, I'm absolutely loving the new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. It's a must-watch for any Star Trek fan out there! 🖖

What can I say?

Isn't it fun how we're all wired differently when it comes to movies and TV?

I've always had a soft spot for Star Trek. Maybe it's the nostalgia of it being on TV before hitting the big screen, or just the themes that resonate more with me. 🚀👽

Few years back, I tried doing a Star Wars marathon to see what all the fuss was about. Truth be told, I could barely make it past the first (or was it the second?) movie. 🎥😬

This week's Torah portion Chukat - Balak focuses on the theme of death and grief as Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, passes away. Her death has an unexpected consequence for the Israelites, who find themselves without water. The Rabbis of our tradition have long connected Miriam with the water the Israelites drank. Without water, a vital resource leads to panic and fear among the Israelites as they worry about their survival.

Passover is the Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Mitzryaim.

Dear creator of all, I am grateful for this new day, this new week, and the approaching Passover holiday. I thank you for the blessings in my life, including my health, my loved ones, and the opportunities that lie ahead. Please guide me and bless me with positivity, success, and joy. May this Passover be filled with peace, happiness, and gratitude for the freedom and blessings in our lives

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Rabbi Sandra Lawson

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.