
Omg. Was I this stupid when I started Twitter? I have no idea when someone answered me. Can’t find the notifications setting. I’m gonna have to take time to figure this out πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Sometimes, especially when it's very busy, or it's an extremely long thread, it can take a little extra time for the thread to load. I give it a few seconds and it pops up. We don't always need the thread, so I usually don't mind. But there's a LOT going on right now with this current crush of new users coming in.

@Agatha @RESISTER_SISTER_WARRIOR. Thank you! I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong or not. I appreciate the information


You're welcome! I forgot to mention, if a comment or post is edited, it orphans the comments that were originally attached to it. It's an unfortunate side effect to the edit function, as it literally deletes and redrafts, so it's possible you can run into an orphaned thread.

I don't edit my posts unless I do it before there are comments. If there are already comments, I correct myself with another comment in the thread.

@Agatha @RESISTER_SISTER_WARRIOR oh! Interesting. Great information too. Thank you again!

@RESISTER_SISTER_WARRIOR oops. I liked my own post and it won't unlike πŸ˜‚

Kno that feeling well…have to keep bouncing to the other sections, if on the app. But, maybe I’m missing something. πŸ˜‚


Here, you don't get push notifications. J felt they were intrusive and a waste of battery. You check when you want to check, not when the app demands your attention. Took me about 2 days to appreciate my phone not demanding my attention. πŸ˜‚

@RESISTER_SISTER_WARRIOR the bell symbol is where you find your notifications

@CoSoTips can also be helpful

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