Hoy se cumplen 43 años del asesinato de Monseñor Romero. Sus palabras siguen siendo válidas, siguen sirviendo de bálsamo e inspiración a los pueblos centroamericanos y siguen irritando los oidos del poder. Es decir, siguen siendo proféticas. .

It has been 20 years since the disastrous was launched. Here are some of the cartoons I did about it back then, in English and Spanish.

Su servilleta en una entrevista de hoy sobre los últimos sucesos sobre . Gracias a @NTN24 por mantener la atención en lo que ocurre con nuestro sufrido país. Para que vean y compartan.👇

I have a cartoon in this week's POLITICO 's cartoon carousel. I encourage you to click below, enjoy all the great cartoons, and share with everybody! 👇

The president of Fox News himself acknowledged that his "news" channel lied about the alleged voter fraud in the last presidential election. He could have done something to stop the lying, but he didn't because lying is good business for him.

We cartoonists are here to portray the absurdity that we see in the news. But what do we do when a cartoonist becomes the news? Well, we portray that too. My latest cartoon for @newcounterpoint

Ahora más que nunca la diáspora debe mostrarse a la altura, olvidarse de caer en las trampas puritanas y rancias de la división y los egos y articularse unida en una agenda mínima: liberar a nuestra de la dictadura.

One of my latest cartoons in the @LFPress. Feel to free to check and share...

My problem with “art” it is that at least at this point, is just theft. Is like if you cut a paragraph of every big novel of the last 20 years, paste them all together into a new document without adding anything on your own and then call yourself a “writer”.

I'm also in @politico's cartoon carousel this week. You are invited to check and share the whole collection...

One of my toons is included in today's
Mike Csotd Peterson cartoon column. If you are a cartoon lover, this place is for you: dailycartoonist.com/index.php/

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