Tongue Out Tuesday compilation! #TOT #TongueOutTuesday #Chihuahua #Chiweenie #MinPin #Dog
A cream-colored chihuahua, a black and tan chiweenie, and a chocolate and tan Min Pin all with their tongues sticking out.
FYI - Our website is down. I have a ticket in to our web host but I don't know when it will be back up.
For those wanting to donate our Amazon list is -
And our Chewy list is -
It’s the first of the month and Rio is here to ask for donations. We need all of our canned foods this month. To donate food or funds for food please visit
#Dog #Donate #Chihuahua #ChihuahuaOfTheDay
A black and white chihuahua mix in profile. The tip of one canine is showing. A text overlay reads, “Please be kind.”
Even when we’re sad, the dogs still make us smile. Miss Bunny Buttercup seems to be having good dreams today. #SleepySunday #Dreaming #Chihuahua #ChihuahuaOfTheDay #Dog
A cream colored chihuahua wrinkling her nose and smacking her lips in her sleep.
Miss Sassy has left us. The recurring issue with her leg was diagnosed as metastatic lymphoma. We could no longer keep her comfortable and so chose to send her on with love. #RainbowBridge #Dog #Dachshund
A memorial video for a red Dachshund
Big Pug. Big Play #Friyay #FridayFeeling #Pug #Dog #Playtime #Snowman
A large fawn pug playing with a stuffed snowman.
Matty J's midweek Pick-me-up #MidweekPickMeUp #Relaxation #Dog ##Chihuahua #ChihuahuaOfTheDay #MattyJ
A cream colored chihuahua lying on his back in blissful repose white getting chest rubs.
Lots of snores going on around here today. #Dogs #SleepySunday #Snoring #ChihuahuaOfTheDay
Several dogs sleeping curled up and snoring on a couch.
Manchi has Opinions again. #FridayFeeling #TGIF #Friyay #Chiweenie #Dog
A black and tan chiweenie barking demands at a human.
Remember to take a little time to have some fun. #ThursdayThoughts #ChihuahuaOfTheDay #Chihuahua #Dog #BunnyButtercup
A cream colored chihuahua being silly and wiggling.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up. #MidWeekPickMeUp #Chihuahua #ChihuahuaOfTheDay #Dog #MattyJ
A cream colored chihuahua blissfully enjoying pets. There is a heart overlay and text that reads “Love”. The video ends with pale blue and pink hearts on a black background with the text, “You are loved.”
Wait for the reveal... #TongueOutTuesday #TOT #MinPin #Dog #Higgs
A chocolate and tan MinPin with serious tongue lag.
A Big Pug snoring Big Pug snores. #TwisterTheEF5Pug #BigPug #SleepySunday #Snore #Pug #Dog #Rescue #ASMR
Faith is a strange little dog... #SillySaturday #Dog #Chug ##PugMix #ChihuahuaMix
A tan and brown chug enjoying an empty eye socket rub.
It’s Friday! Make some noise! #FriYAY #TGIF #FridayFeeling #Papillon
A brown and white papillon back talking a Human with barks and growls.
Vinnie wants you to know you’ve got this. #ThursdayThoughts #Philosophy #ChihuahuaOfTheDay #Dog #Chihuahua
A cream colored chihuahua looking attentively into the camera. A sticker with a rainbow and text reads “Life is tough. So are you.”
Happy Valentine's Day! 💘🌹🥰 #ValentinesDay #MidWeekPickMeUp #BeMine
Two cream chihuahuas and a papillon dressed for Valentine’s Day. The papillon and one of the chihuahuas are wearing red dresses with hearts, and the third is wearing a red and white bow tie.
Special item donation request.
Harry has managed to injure his neck somehow. He’s rotated one vertebrae out of alignment and compressed the disks between others. It’s causing him quite a bit of discomfort, which we’re managing through pain meds and crate rest. Until we can get him to a specialist we need to get one each of the two neck braces on our supply list. If you can donate towards getting these items please visit
The general consensus on this Monday is, “nope.” #MondayMood #MondayMuttness #Dogs
A group of dogs snuggled on a couch.
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.