It’s the first of the month and Rio is here to ask for donations. We need all of our canned foods this month. To donate food or funds for food please visit
#Dog #Donate #Chihuahua #ChihuahuaOfTheDay
A black and white chihuahua mix in profile. The tip of one canine is showing. A text overlay reads, “Please be kind.”
@PugHollowSanctuary Hi, I checked on both my phone and laptop; when I try to go to the donate page, it is just blank. Help-help.
@BillieBun Our website is down. I've got a support ticket in, but yeah... is our Amazon Wishlist is our Chewy Shelter list.
FYI - Our website is down. I have a ticket in to our web host but I don't know when it will be back up.
For those wanting to donate our Amazon list is -
And our Chewy list is -