Lily NoNo from the Amarillo Gang knows what to do with life’s lemons. #ThursdayThoughts #LilyNoNo #AmarilloGang #OldDogs
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up. #HmphDay #MidweekPickMeUp #MattyJ
A cute cream-colored chihuahua lying in a loaf position on a bed. He yawns and licks the air.
Vinnie has his $#!+ causing ears on this Friday. #FabulousEarsFriday #VinnieNoTail
A cream colored chihuahua staring aggressively at a black chihuahua. His ears are erect and fabulous.
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Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up. We went to visit the Pop over the weekend, and Matty J was very excited. #MidweekPickeMeUp #HmphDay #MattyJ #RottenDog
Two chihuahuas barking excitedly while wearing harnesses.
Faith is still on vacation, but she managed a tiny blep with some equally tiny teeth for #TongueOutTuesday!
Follow up to Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up… Whether it’s a chicken run or a fluffy pillow, Matty J knows how to get what he wants out of life. #ThursdayThoughts #MattyJ.
Matty J’s midweek pick-me-up! #MidWeekPickMeUp #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua cutely stealing a Human’s back support pillow. The pillow has a small slit in the cover and the chihuahua is sitting inside the pillow slightly.
Bunny Buttercup Blep! #TongueOutTuesday #BunnyButtercup
A cream-colored chihuahua getting scratches. Her tongue is poking out.
Harry and Tank having a silly Saturday skitter. #SillySaturday #Skitter #HarryHoundini #TankGirl
A black and tan chiweenie playing with a black dachshund mix.
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-me-up! #MidWeekPickMeUp #HmphDay #MattyJ
A cream colored chihuahua enjoying a good massage.
The past few weeks have been tough. The Scribe has been sick more frequently than usual, and we’ve lost three of our residents. Fizzy, Zebulon, and Chompsky all decided that it was time to make their trip across the rainbow bridge. The house seems weirdly empty without their personalities taking up space, and we miss them. #Rainbow Bridge #Fizzy #Zebulon #Chompsky
Raspugin woke up in a silly mood this morning. #SillySaturday #Raspugin
A fawn pug bouncing on his feet and screaming at a Human
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.