Heading into the weekend like.... #FabulousEarsFriday #TGIF #VinnieNoTail
A cream colored chihuahua riding in a car enjoying the wind from the open window.
The Scribe is busy this week so we thought we'd reach back into the ether to bring this classic Deep Thought from the late, beloved, Remy the Wise. #DeepThoughtThursday #RemyTheWise
Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up! #HmphDay #MattyJ #MidweekPickMeUp
A cream colored chihuahua licking peanut butter.
Little Pink Alien! #TongueOutTuesday #BunnyButtercup
A cream colored vaguely alien looking chihuahua being silly and weird.
Upside down and snoozing hard. #SleepySunday #Sassy #DisSassterDog
A red dachshund wearing a soft cone. She’s sleeping on her back and her front paws are twitching.
Very Silly Saturday. #SillySaturday #Boson #Nibbles
A chiweenie gnawing on a Human’s hand while making fussy noises.
Chompsky gives this Monday a half sploot and a lightning bolt broke tail. (Before anyone asks, the tail break is an old injury. The only treatment available for it at this stage would be amputation and he is not a surgical candidate due to his liver and heart.) #MondayMood #Chompsky
It’s Matty J’s Midweek Pick-Me-Up! #HmphDay #MidweekPickMeUp #MattyJ
A cream colored chihuahua getting snuggled and petted.
Rio has once again taken a look into our stores, and as usual we need all of our foods; dry and canned. You can find our wishlists from Amazon, Chewy, Walmart and Tractor Supply at www.pughollowsanctuary.org/donate.php #Donate #DogFood #HerNameIsRio
Starting the week with a little “sibling” rivalry… #MondayMuttness #VinnieNoTail #CioCioSan
A cream colored chihuahua and a brown and white papillon being jealous over a Human’s hand.
If you are in or around Seminole, Oklahoma, drop by the Tractor Supply on East Wrangler between 10 am and 4 pm today (July 29th) for the Seminole Humane Society Adoption Event! https://facebook.com/SeminoleHumaneSociety
Matty J slept through the Howlleluja Chorus so he had to sing a solo. #MidWeekPickMeUp #MattyJ #Howl
A cream-colored Chihuahua howling sleepily.
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.