A blissfully Rotten Tongue Out Tuesday. #TOT #TongueOutTuesday #RottenDog
A black and tan chihuahua lying against a Human’s chest getting petted. His tongue is sticking out and he looks happy.
Matty J’s midweek pick-me-up. #HmphDay #MidweekPickMeUp #MattyJ
A cream-colored chihuahua eating and getting a good massage.
The Scribe has to apologize for being spotty on posting. She’s been wickedly busy recently with work & Chompsky’s care. He’s doing pretty good but had to see the vet again for the skin staph. He’s got some fura-zone ointment that he HATES & he’s been very clingy. He let the vet experience the melodic aria that is a Chompsky Scream & startled the vet assistant.
A video of a ginger chihuahua being hand fed.
The Scribe took this photo and it just screamed ominous positivity… #ThursdayThoughts #OminousPositivity #Philosophy #MattyJ
We had one of those moments this Monday that remind you that no matter how careful you are, accidents can still happen.
Chompsky managed to get tangled in a throw blanket & strangle himself. THS got to him in time, & he saw the vet, but he's pretty banged up. His recovery is going well. He's eating/drinking/taking meds, and mostly just resting comfortably hopped up on pain meds & antibiotics. The bruising looks awful though.
Vinnie says, “You can’t pet anyone else!” #SillySaturday #VinnieNoTail #DaffySharkweek.
A Human petting a red chihuahua while a cream-colored chihuahua tries to bite their hand and pull it away.
Vinnie has his trouble causing ears at the ready! (Plus decorative grass blade, because fashion, obviously.) #TGIF #FabulousEarsFriday #VinnieNoTail
Silly Saturday play time. #SillySaturday #Boson
A black and tan chiweenie playfully biting a Human’s hand.
Believe in yourself and you can do anything! #DeepThoughtThursday #ThrowbackThursday #RemyTheWise #EncourgementFromBeyond
Matty J’s midweek pick-me-up! #HmphDay #MattyJ #SerotoninBoost.
A cream-colored chihuahua bathing a human’s arm.
501 (c)(3) sanctuary for elderly, terminally ill and unadoptable small dogs. We provide end of life care, and do not adopt out.