If there's gaslighting, there's also bosslighting - your immediate head attributing to you something he himself said in a previous occasion, especially if it's something that puts you on the spot, such as a suggesting a tight deadline for a task you would not have given for yourself, or repeatedly telling HIS boss changing schedule to more closely monitor your team's productivity - AFTER he told you another team lead did the same thing.
You are not as hungry as you think you will be.
One of the downsides for me of buying lunch out before entering the office, with the plan not to leave the office until end of shift, is that I usually buy more food that I eat at noon, grossly underestimating how heavy the food is, and/or grossly overestimating how hungry I'll feel in 4 hours.
Then I have to bring the extra food home with me.
IG IDrewWithACamera,
Tw DonPatric10,
Ello IGotItDownPat,
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Qra tiny.cc/QPCO,
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