Holy WOW!
The Pope has made an first ever comment about homosexuality.
It's now the churches stance that, homosexuality should not be considered a crime, oh yes, it's still a sin.
God's like, go ahead let me show them the love for punishment as I so loved man ...

@fatslothslim and therein lies the paradox of Christianity.

They teach that Jesus died to forgive all your sins (present, past, and future), but also chastise you for sins and demand you repent while here on earth. Uh... I've been forgiven, and even if I follow a strict interpretation I need only ask and then I will be forgiven, so...


@fatslothslim The whole "not a crime" position would be cool if the religious right didn't pick and choose what they listen to in terms of what the Church says. I mean kudos for the Pope saying it, I guess, but it won't change any of the crazy's beliefs...

Totally agree! The thick skulled MAGA will never give in.
Unless it's bubba out behind the geerauge.

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