@Obliviousfool I tool live in FL, CENTRAL Florida, farm country. This area went for Trump almost 80%, and I saw all the signage for him. But this election? There were Crist and Demings signage that REPLACED the trump stuff. I'm not really buying that it was that much of a blowout.
@Kinniska @Obliviousfool I'm not sure. I should look that up at some point.
@PirateWench I agree that it is more of a blowout than I thought it would be, but only by a few %. I'm in South Florida and there is much more love for Ron down here than people think. I also spend a lot of time around Orlando and I fully expect that area to stay very red. I hate it, but it's just what I see.
@Obliviousfool No, I understand. When I sold my house last year in Pompano Beach, I sold it to a gay republican man who had left NY because he didn't want to deal with "That mask nonsense". The GOP of NY is moving south.
@PirateWench @Obliviousfool isn’t FL another state affected by that lawsuit the GOP launched to prevent early vote and mail in ballots from being counted until AFTER the in person ballots? Given that, plus a lot of the blue crowd were certainly talking about early voting. That would color the results quite a bit in the early stages.