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@GreenCheese yes, maroon is as high as it goes. Please be safe. This may be here for a while.

You and I (Brooklyn) are sharing the same totally hazardous Air Quality Index right about now. Here’s a photo of the map of dangerous particulate matter. The darker it is the worse it is.

The air in Philly is like a science fiction movie. Masking helps but doesn’t do anything for burning eyes. I can’t imagine what it’s like in Canada.

@BlytheAwesome I’m
On episode 5 of Rough Diamonds. I’m very into it……besides loving the plot and characters it brings back childhood memories. My great grandparents were Orthodox Jews.

Scan day! Then three days of (along with upset stomach from that stuff you have to drink). Thankful though that we have these diagnostic tools. Good morning!

@JasonStiff my first word (unite) did me well today! Got it in 2! Good morning!

@BlytheAwesome thanks! I’ll try it. Just did High Desert and Fubar this weekend. Neither required any thought so I got stuff done around the house at the same time. Both very watchable.

Farewell Ted Lasso. I hate to see you go. You will be sorely missed. ⚽

Waiting for the results of my blood work today, scans are next week. 17 months in remission and would like to stay that way. We’ll see what God has planned for me. 😀 Good Thursday morning!

@tgraph52 I can’t imagine what all the fuss was about. Very disappointing.

Succession ended as it began. With me waiting for something to happen. Meh.

@LnzyHou and I became a Christian in 1976. There is no releasing Jewish guilt. 🤷‍♀️

@LnzyHou 76 years of Jewish guilt. I’m working on it, but there’s a lot to unravel.

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