So the past week I have noticed a cat coming into my yard visiting my two cats. I mean she’s a whore….she does all these cat calls. Lays down on the pavement rolling over. So today I look out and there is another cat in my yard doing the same thing. Like is this normal for rando cats to come and visit other neighborhood cats? I mean my cats are indoor only, never outdoor. But I friggin crack up that their friends come hang out in the yard.
#colorado Cosonauts: Five hours ONLY, today at The Mac in Westminster: the Artists and Authors Showcase. Come get a signed book from me! 9A-2P only! If you come here and tell me you saw this on CoSo, I will give you an extra discount.
I’m so excited, in less than 3 hrs I get to eat the cookies I made yesterday. Going to gym then have to get weighed in, then will try those yummy cookies. You all have no idea how hard it has been for me to sit in a house where homemade cookies (hot cocoa and choc chip) are sitting and waiting for me
Just a girl from Queens trying to live the dream!
Oh and I’m an Ordained Minister here for all your marriage & christening needs.