The most damaging lie we tell ourselves and each other is, "I grew up with (fill in the blank) and I turned out just fine," when in fact we didn't.
A little more introspection. And less bravado., please.
When you cycle the abuse to the next generation, you are not just fine, you become the abuser.
Don't just check yourself before you wreck yourself.. check yourself before you utterly wreck someone else.
And if you can't or won't do that, become a hermit.

Yes, I got triggered yesterday.


@ChippySuave I didn’t have children for this very specific reason. I wasn’t going to do that to them when I clearly had to get help before I could raise another human.


I came here to say almost the same exact thing! I wanted to make sure (and my husband at the time) wanted to make sure we broke those cycles.


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