I don’t care what anyone says but cats are just like dogs….I swear to you all I play catch with my boys on the daily. I throw and they fetch and bring right back to me. I wake up and laying next to me are the balls. Or if I wake up and go to bathroom,I open door and balls are wtg for me to throw. God I just love em lol. Even when clawing the backs of my new couches 😂 #CatsOfCoso #Caturday
@singlemaltgirl yes in general they love playing with me. I got two (adopted brothers) so they can play with each other and not be bored if I don’t want to play….they do play with each other but at times they prefer me. I’m just an animal whisperer hahahaha. Then again they are only 14 months old so maybe that’ll change
@Patti1120 i find cats only do what i want when it benefits them in some way or shields them from consequences.
example: my cats knew not to go on the counters. there would be hell to pay. they didn't like paying.
but things just for fun? that's entirely their prerogative.
example: if playing catch isn't what they want, they'll just look at your expectancy like you're an idiot.
perhaps your cats like playing catch w/ you?